Monday, May 8, 2017

Lord of the Flies Book Review

     This year in my ELA class we read a whole class book. This book was Lord of the Flies by William Golding. Honestly, this book isn't for everyone. It is about a group of boys, who are around 12 and younger, who get there plane crashed on an unknown island during a war. There are no adults who survived and these kids have to survive until they, and if they get rescued. The boys go through a lot, like loss of some of their members, the hard job to just survive, surviving each other, and the island. Some say that this book is a representation of humanity. Do I agree with that? More or less, people who read this book have different opinions.
      I thought the book was good but not great. It was interesting but I wouldn't put it in my ultimate favorites list. It took a couple of chapters for the real action to happen, so if you aren't even the slightest bit of patient then I don't suggest this book. I would recommend this book to a person who likes survival books and wants to see how someone else thinks of humanity. There isn't a lot of people I would specifically tell to read this book, so I'm telling everyone. This book is a classic and isn't very long. If you're looking for another book to read try this one. At the end, all books don't work for everyone.

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